On Display
Object type

Decorated keystone from South Stockton arch, Thornaby station


Boundary marker from Stockton & Darlington Railway

circa 1821-1825

Notice, Stockton & Darlington Railway, sale of steam engines

Shildon Collection of works plans


Bell, Stockton & Darlington Railway, embossed 'C&G Mears Founders London 1855, Stockton & Darlington Railway'.

Bell, Stockton & Darlington Railway


Stockton & Darlington Railway boundary stone dating from about 1821 to 1825. Dressed stone inscribed "S & D R" in Roman letters. The top right face of the stone is damaged, so most of the "&" is missing. The top face of the stone is painted white.

Boundary stone, Stockton & Darlington Railway

circa 1821-1825

Bell, Stockton & Darlington Railway, with bracket, ex North Road Passenger Station, Darlington, was rung five minutes before the departure of trains and again when the trains left.

Bell, Stockton & Darlington Railway

Map, Stockton & Darlington Railway, system map, 1 inch to 10 miles, c. 1869, published by A McKay, printed by G W Hurd, paper.

Map, Stockton & Darlington Railway


Waybill, Stockton & Darlington Railway, 'From Bitchburn Colliery', 1862.

From Bitchburn Colliery


Bill, paper, Shildon Works Co. bill to the Stockton & Darlington Railway for special goods moved from Ormesby Iron Works to steam packet wharf and to Tees Works. Bill issued by the Shildon Works Co., North Road Engine Works, Darlington on 27 April 1863. Affixed to a Stockton & Darlington Railway account sheet, and paid on 15 May 1863.

Shildon Works Co. bill to the Stockton & Darlington Railway

1863-04-21; 1863-05-15

Map, Stockton & Darlington Railway, Geological, 1858, 1/2 inch to 1 mile, paper backed linen. [in leather slip case 2002-8002/1]

Map, Stockton & Darlington Railway


Notice, Stockton and Darlington Railway, Merchandise Trucks, (Charges for taking of Merchandise Trucks without authority), 21 August 1846, black text on white background, Printed by J Readman, Printer, Darlington.

Merchandise Trucks


Notice, paper and card, Stockton and Darlington Railway Company, "Opening", Printed by Atkinson, Darlington, September 19th 1825. .



Notice, paper mounted on card, Stockton & Darlington Railway, "Trip to Redcar Monday June 27th 1859", printed by Harrison Penney, Darlington, 22nd June 1859.

trip to redcar


Handbill, card and paper, Stockton & Darlington Railway, for the formal opening of the Stockton and Darlington Railway Company, Printed by Atkinson, Darlington, September 19th 1825.

Formal opening of the Stockton and Darlington Railway Company


Handbill, Stockton & Darlington Railway, "The Company's Coach called the Experiment'.

the company's coach called the Experiment

Timetable, Stockton & Darlington Railway, South Durham and Barnard Castle sections, August 1861.

Stockton & Darlington Railway timetable for South Durham and Barnard Castle sections


Timetable, Stockton & Darlington, Wear Valley and Redcar Railways, September 1847.

Stockton & Darlington, Wear Valley and Redcar Railways timetable


Timetable, Stockton & Darlington, for the Barnard Castle and South Durham sections, August 8th 1861

Stockton & Darlington timetable for the Barnard Castle and South Durham sections from August 8th 1861


Notice. Stockton & Darlington Railway. Flower show and Balloon Acsent at Darlington on Friday 8 June 1860. Special Trains from Lands, Evenwood and St Helens. (The ascent will be made by Mr Coxwell, of London, in his splendid new War Balloon "Mars" holding 35,000 cubic feet of gas). Black text on yellow background. Stuck to card.

Flower Show and Balloon Ascent at Darlington


Notice, Stockton & Darlington Railway, A trip to Middleton One Row, text only, printed by Harrison Penney, Darlington.

A trip to Middleton One Row


Notice, paper on board, Stockton & Darlington Railway, Regulations for Railway Labourers, 17th January 1840, printed by J & J Readman, Darlington.

regulations for railway labourers


Notice, paper mounted on card, Trip to Redcar, issued by the Stockton & Darlington Railway, printed by Harrison Penney. "Printer by Steam," Darlington, 22 June 1859. Advertising a special S&DR excursion from Stockton to Redcar on 27 June 1859. Adult fare 9d, children under 12 6d, in covered carriages. No luggage allowed.

Trip to Redcar


Stone block sleeper, Stockton & Darlington Railway, 2-holed stone sleeper from track-bed of S & DR

Stone sleeper, Stockton & Darlington Railway

Box, Stockton & Darlington Railway Co., no.168, used by locomotive drivers for `whiting' japanned iron, English, 1850-1863

Box, Stockton & Darlington Railway Company


Uniform on dummy, Stockton & Darlington Railway, Guard, consisting of: Red jacket, Trousers, Waistcoat, Shirt, Cravat.

Guard uniform, Stockton & Darlington Railway

Letter press notice, Stockton & Darlington Railway, An Abstract of Penalties and Bye-laws and Regulations.

An Abstract of Penalties and Bye-laws and Regulations


Notice, Stockton and Darlington Railway, "Cheap Trip to Stockton Grand Cricket Match on Tuesday September 20th 1853", with times and fares and a handwritten tally of costs on the reverse, printed by Harrison Penney, Darlington, 1853.

Cheap Trip to Stockton Grand Cricket Match on Tuesday September 20th 1853


Poster, Stockton and Darlington Railway, "Bishop Auckland Flower Show and Musical Festival", Printed by Rapp and Dresser, Darlington, 1859.

Stockton & Darlington Railway Bishop auckland flower show and musical festival poster


Timetable, Stockton and Darlington Railway, "Working Timetable For South Durham and Barnard Castle Sections from 8th August 1861Until Further Notice", 1861.

Working Timetable For South Durham and Barnard Castle Sections from 8th August 1861Until Further Notice


Rule book, Stockton & Darlington Railway, Rules and Regulations. Contains general information, date 1854, card cover, red, with gold lettering. Contains extracts of Acts of Parliament. Number of pages 228 plus index.

Stockton & Darlington Railway Rule Book 1854


Rule book, Stockton & Darlington Railway. Contains general information, date 1862, card cover, red, with gold lettering. Contains extracts of Acts of Parliament. Number of pages 67.

Stockton & Darlington Railway Rule Book 1862


Advice note, Stockton & Darlington Railway, £14-4-9, 1865.

Stockton & Darlington Railway advice note


Timetable, Stockton & Darlington Railway, including the Guisbro and Barnard Castle lines, printed by Harrison Penney, Darlington, 1858.

Stockton & Darlington Railway timetable for 1858


Timetable, Stockton & Darlington Railway, for Bishop Auckland, Saint Helen's and Haggerleases Branch, March 1860.

Stockton & Darlington Railway timetable


Stockton & Darlington Railway Mineral Department form for the Daily Return of Laden and Empty Wagons and of Coals or Coke Wanted, dated Monday 8 June 186[4]?, at Redcar Station. Completed forms were sent to Richard Pickering at Shildon.

Daily Return of Laden and Empty Wagons and of Coals or Coke Wanted (supplied title)


Plan, Stockton and Darlington Railway, Fighting Cocks Goods Station.

Fighting Cocks Goods Station

Letter, Stockton and Darlington Railway, regarding the application for a free ticket, signed by George Stephenson, 1841

Free Ticket


Timetable, paper with linen cover, Timetables of the Stockton and Darlington Railway Company, November 1862, printed by William Lee, Darlington. Covers all the sections of the line, bye-laws and general information. 11pp.

Timetables of the Stockton and Darlington Railway Company


House plate, glazed ceramic, Stockton & Darlington Railway, J10 S & DR on plaster, black with white lettering, ex Wolsingham station master's house. Overall: 277 mm x 236 mm x 16 mm.

J10 S & D R houseplate